Launching SolSea Reborn, the Game Changer in the Web3 NFT Space
We are proud to announce that SolSea Reborn is up and running. For the past several months, we have been working on a major upgrade to our platform and it’s finally here — SolSea has been rebuilt and redesigned from the ground up, setting the course for an extraordinary future of NFTs.
SolSea Reborn is now a different product, with a significant number of changes, both on the inside and on the outside.
The core structure of SolSea has been configured so that you can now monitor all on-chain activity of NFTs and collections on Solana, in a true decentralized manner. The platform has become an information source for all NFT enthusiasts that want to follow the NFT ecosystem on Solana in real-time.
To match the changes made on the inside, SolSea now reflects our vision of what we are transforming us into on the outside as well. Where SolSea was once only a marketplace, it has now grown into a platform where we believe the future of the NFT sector lies, what both creators and the community need.
Everyone has a place on SolSea to display their various interests, be they in photography, CGI, collections, comics, sound, literature, or anywhere else. User experience is key, which is why we’ve integrated solutions in partnership with companies like Darkblock, Arweave, Solflare, Moonpay, FTX-Pay, and many others; it’s also why we continue to develop partnerships with teams who share our goals of building a better NFT space, together.
Let’s take a deep dive into the extensive list of new features on SolSea, some of which you’ve never seen before.
What’s new on SolSea Reborn?
- No login required for trading: Yes, you no longer have to have an account on SolSea to trade, just connect your wallet and jump right in. If you already have an account or are thinking of creating one, here’s what’s important — you can receive email notifications about any sales you make, you can get notified right away if one of your bids is accepted and, if that’s not enough, you can even follow your favorite collections and creators to get news of upcoming drops or new mints.
- Lowest trading fees on Solana: We’ve lowered our marketplace fee to 2%! And, you can even reduce the fee all the way down to 0% by staking $AART tokens!
- Live mints: Follow the action as it unfolds on-chain. You can now watch what is being minted on the Solana blockchain in real time! But not only that, you can place a bid on any of the NFTs being minted, even if they are not listed anywhere yet. Exciting, right?
- Slide-in wallet: All your NFTs are now at your fingertips, all the time. We’ve introduced a new concept to SolSea, and our users can now bulk list, delist and change prices in their wallet without interrupting their flow on the platform; since the wallet interface covers only a part of the page, you can continue your browsing uninterrupted, while being able to quickly access your wallet at the same time. The slide-in wallet also lets you swap tokens easily, thanks to our partners Jupiter Exchange.
- Stats and analytics: We are now scraping all Solana on-chain data in real-time. This means that you can track important data on collections and individual NFTs, such as floor price history, price changes, listing and delisting activities from every marketplace. Don’t miss a thing!
- Categories & subcategories: Easily find anything you are interested in by exploring a wide range of NFT collections now sorted into categories and subcategories. We’ve listened to our community and introduced categories of NFTs like art, photography, gaming, utility, CGI, virtual worlds, and many, many more…
- Follow creators & subscribe to collections: You can now bookmark all your favorite creators and collections in one place and access their NFTs with one click! Also planned for down the road are notifications so you can always be on top of how your favorite pieces on Solana are doing.
- New interface for integrated virtual exhibitions: We have rebuilt the interface for collections with virtual exhibitions on SolSea — technology provided by our very own VR-All-Art platform. Smoother design and experience guaranteed! And this is just the first step in setting the stage for a full metaverse integration on the platform.
- Creator Dashboard: If you’ve been with us from the start, you know that you can mint NFTs on SolSea and sell them on the platform immediately after that. However, we’ve now added an entire new section in the menu titled “Creator Dashboard”, a new home for all the creators where they can manage their profile, create and verify their collections, add co-creators and have a clear overview of all their NFTs and collections. Additionally, we’ve redesigned the “Create NFT” wizard so even non-crypto users can easily navigate it and turn their ideas into NFTs.
- Minting NFTs with embedded licenses: What has always been unique to SolSea is that when you mint NFTs on the platform, you can choose a license to embed into your mints. We have introduced the NFT-PRO standard to handle legal rights attached to your NFTs, ensuring your non-fungible tokens carry clearly defined rights to ownership. NFT-PRO redefines what ”ownership” even means in a world that is rushing toward Web3, making sure both creators and owners know what they’re buying.
- Unlockable content: Everyone likes to get a little surprise once in a while. Why not implement it into your tokens? You can now mint NFTs on SolSea with unlockable content — files that only owners of these NFTs can access as this type of content is unlocked only once the tokens are bought. These files could be bonus documents, video clips of an artists’ creation process, exclusive links, and even coupons. Let your imagination run wild!
We invite you to explore the new, reborn SolSea and send us your feedback on what we can do more for you. Whether you are an artist, creator, trader, or collector — we’d like to hear from you! Builders are also welcome to get in touch with us as we are constantly integrating new ecosystem solutions. Let’s build together!